Flotato price
Flotato price

At the time of writing this, it's in pre-release (not released yet) but I'll be watching this closely, it's very cool. Simply clone the app and give it a name like, it will then turn into Google Docs.

  • Flotato - Mac only again but this is a really interesting approach.
  • #Flotato price free#

    It's free for the standard version, there is also a $5 version which includes features like fullscreen.

    flotato price

    Fluid App - This is Mac only but otherwise it's a lovely solution and super easy.I like this option because it gives you complete flexibility to take the project wherever you like and you'll learn a bit of Electron too. Do-it-yourself with Electron - The basics were covered quite well in this earlier answer.It is free with a splash screen or $19 with the splash screen removed. Web2Desk - Great option if you don't want to mess around with the command-line.It should also be noted that this is built on an old version of node-webkit and not Electron. WebDGap - This is a lovely project but it is a little old and "as of April 13th, 2018 WebDGap is no longer an active project.".This should probably be the default option if you want to whip up an app just for yourself.

    flotato price

    Lots of configuration options, lots of contributors, open source and regularly updated. There are a lot of options here (in no particular order):

    flotato price

    The first question that you should ask yourself is: Who is the desktop app being used by? Just you? Or, are you distributing the app to customers? Because these two segments have very different needs. (Full disclosure, I'm the founder of ToDesktop, I'll try to be objective and unbiased here.)Īs usual in Computer Science, the answer is "it depends"!

    Flotato price