Elements of design
Elements of design

elements of design

Geometric shapes are uniform and regular and include triangles, squares, and rectangles. Shapes can be geometric or organic in form. ShapeĪ self-contained area defined by where two lines meet. To find out more about colour schemes, check out my blog post here.


You can download the link below to get my colour cheat sheet which will give you definitions for basic colour theory.Ĭolours can also be also grouped together into colour schemes. Tertiary colours are those colours that sit between the secondary and primary coloursĮarth colours are made by mixing two secondary colours together and result in earthy colour ranges. They are made by mixing combinations of two primary colours together. Secondary colours are orange, green and purple. The direction is the course along which the line moves.ĭifferent ways direction can be used include:Ĭolours can be broken up into Primary, Secondary and Tertiary colours.

elements of design

There many different ways line can be used including: It can be used to describe to create outlines, shapes, and direction. At its simplest form, it can be a mark between two points on a surface or it can create an edge where two ends meet e.g. Line is the most basic of the all the elements. The elements of design can be broken into the following categories: To put it simply the elements are the structure of the design. Today we’re going to have a look at a simple guide to the elements of design. By having an understanding of both of these you will be able to better create designs that work. They are the elements and principles of design. When looking at the makeup of a design, you can break it down into 2 main categories.


Sometimes you can tell that something isn’t working the way you’d like but you don’t know how to fix it. When you’re new to designing, there is so much to consider that it can feel overwhelming. eg.adjacent colours on the colour wheel, similar shapes etc.ĭominance gives a painting interest, counteracting confusion and monotony.It’s good to go back to basics and understand the fundamentals behind what makes a successful design. Harmony in painting is the visually satisfying effect of combining similar, related elements. Unless a feeling of chaos and confusion are what you are seeking, it is a good idea to carefully consider where to place your areas of maximum contrast. Too much contrast scattered throughout a painting can destroy unity and make a work difficult to look at. The major contrast in a painting should be located at the center of interest. Contrast in direction - horizontal / vertical. Contrast in tone or value - light / dark. opposite colours on the colour wheel - red / green, blue / orange etc. If you wish to create interest, any repeating element should include a degree of variation.Ĭontrast is the juxtaposition of opposing elements eg. The individual character of each square needs to be considered. They can no longer be absorbed properly with a single glance. When variation is introduced, the five squares, although similar, are much more interesting to look at. Value is also called Toneīalance in design is similar to balance in physics Value is the lightness or darkness of a colour. Texture can be physical (tactile) or visual. Texture is the surface quality of a shape - rough, smooth, soft hard glossy etc. Size is simply the relationship of the area occupied by one shape to that of another. Vertical gives a feeling of balance, formality and alertness. Horizontal suggests calmness, stability and tranquillity. A positive shape in a painting automatically creates a negative shape.Īll lines have direction - Horizontal, Vertical or Oblique. The linear marks made with a pen or brush or the edge created when two shapes meet.Ī shape is a self contained defined area of geometric or organic form. How we apply the Principles of design determines how successful we are in creating a work of art. The Principles of design can be thought of as what we do to the elements of design.

elements of design

Good or bad - all paintings will contain most of if not all, the seven elements of design. The elements of design can be thought of as the things that make up a painting, drawing, design etc. The elements and principles of design are the building blocks used to create a work of art.

Elements of design